
Rabbi Mayer Stambler: “Our mitzvah is saving lives”

By Daniel Reichel

One of the hardest times for Rabbi Mayer Stambler, head of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Ukraine, was March 2022. Russia’s aggression had just started. The gloomiest predictions – back then considered the most credible ones …

Joshua Cohen: “In Brody, looking for Roth”

By Adam Smulevich

Joshua Cohen was in Jerusalem at the time it was announced that he had won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Just a few minutes later, he said, “my house was surrounded by reporters. None of them had …

Páginas para interrogarse sobre la identidad

Siempre es el momento para hacerse la pregunta contenida en el título del libro de Abraham Joshua Heschel ¿Quién es el hombre? Una lectura que el rabino rav Giuseppe Momigliano de Génova, dice que hizo hace varios años y que …

A summer of readings, from Ukraine and more

In the middle of summer, as Italy found out that it had to go back to the polls again, a publishing initiative showed how books can be a symbol of solidarity too, reminding us that not far from this country, …