Italian Word of the Week

ITALICS ‘Italian Jews will follow rules’

By Ansa staff

Italian Jews said Monday they would obey a ban on religious gatherings apart from funerals saying that “lives come first” amid the coronavirus emergency.

The head of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI), Noemi Di Segni, …

How the bubonic plague has eerie similarities to today’s pandemic

italicsBy Kathryn Mckinley

The coronavirus can infect anyone, but recent reporting has shown your socioeconomic status can play a big role, with a combination of job security, access to health care and mobility widening the gap in infection and mortality …

ITALICS How Jewish communities mourn — and live — under lockdown

italicsBy Giovanni Vigna*

On March 16, the former secretary general of the Jewish community of Milan, Michele Sciama, became the first Italian Jew to die of COVID-19. To date, Italy has suffered the most COVID-19 related deaths and is second …

ITALICS Coronavirus in Milan: Life in a northern ghost town

italicsBy Cnaan Liphshiz*

From his home in Italy’s wealthiest city, Rabbi Moshe Lazar can see deserted streets and squares that were bustling with life only two weeks ago.

“Public life is standing still,” he said on Monday. “No one goes …