Italian Word of the Week


italicsBy Daniela Gross

In the first pages of Trieste, Haya Tedeschi, an elderly woman living in Gorizia in northeastern Italy, waits to be reunited with her son, who was born as part of Himmler’s Lebensborn project. Reflecting on her own …

SUMMER BOOKS Il giardino dei Finzi Contini

italicsBy Daniela Gross

The Garden of the Finzi Continis by Giorgio Bassani, one of the most important Italian Jewish writers, was published in 1962 and soon became a classic. It tells the story of a prominent and sophisticated family, the …

SUMMER BOOKS The Fascists and the Jews of Italy

italicsBy Daniela Gross

“From 1938 until 1943 – before the German occupation and accompanying Holocaust – Fascist Italy drafted and enforced a comprehensive set of anti-Semitic laws”. In his new book “The Fascists and the Jews of Italy. Mussolini’s Racial …

SUMMER BOOKS Il tempo migliore della nostra vita

italicsBy Daniela Gross

The last book of Antonio Scurati, which in English translates as “The best time of our life”, tells the story of Leone Ginzburg, who was among the main Italian intellectuals in the fascist era. Mr. Scurati traces …


italicsBy Daniela Gross

The excellent debut of Katja Petrowskaja just won the European Strega prize. The Italian translation of the novel, originally written in German, was the first to be released by the publisher Adelphi at the end of 2014. …


italicsBy Daniela Gross

During the last weeks, international media has reported widely about the impressive wave of refugees reaching Italy’s coasts, from Africa and the Middle East. It’s a real humanitarian emergency for all of Europe, and unluckily it is …

Women at the Top

italicsBy Daniela Gross

“I am an entrepreneur, but I’d rather call myself a good Jewish mom.” This is the way Ruth Dureghello, chose to introduce herself during a long interview by Paolo Conti on the Italian daily Corriere della Sera. …

Nazi Diseases

italicsBy Daniela Gross

It is hard to believe. But when we talk about medical issues, we often conjure some Nazi doctor. Even today, many diseases are in fact named after the Nazi scientist who discovered them, through atrocious experiments on …

A Hatred Blacklist

By Daniela Gross

Sometimes the past comes back and is almost unbearable, as it happened at the beginning of last week. Last Monday, an article on the Italian daily Corriere della Sera recounted how many Jews were traded for money …

Against Saviano

italicsBy Daniela Gross

“If you hate Israel and the settlers, read this novel. If you love Israel and defend the settlers, read this novel. But even if you don’t care about the Middle East but love literature, read this novel.” …