Italian Word of the Week

Italics – The Ghetto

italicsBy Benjamin Ravid*

The word “ghetto” initially referred to the copper foundry of the Venetian government, il ghetto (sometimes spelled gheto, getto, or geto) where cannon balls were cast, from the root gettare, to cast or to throw, encountered in …

Italics – Jews of Venice’s Ghetto

italicsBy Yvette Alt Miller*

On March 29, 1516, the Government of the city-state of Venice issued a new decree: henceforth all Jews must be confined to a small, polluted island within the city. The foul-smelling island was the former site …

Italics – The Last Jewish Nonna in Pitigliano

italicsBy Elisa Scarton*

Pitigliano’s last Jewish nonna is a survivor, an advocate, a local celebrity and pretty much exactly what you’d imagine an Italian grandmother to be like.

It’s wet and windy Thursday morning when I finally manage to get …

Italics – Italian-Sephardic Dish Pharaoh’s Wheel Is Delish

italicsBy Debby Segura*

I read “The Classic Cuisine of the Italian Jews” by Edda Servi Machlin cover to cover, something I’ve done perhaps twice in my entire life. I just couldn’t put it down. Machlin tells the story of her …