
Le démographe Sergio Della Pergola: “En Israël, la victoire est du populisme”

Par Daniel Reichel

Les résultats des élections législatives en Israël s’insèrent dans “un mouvement transnational dont font partie l’Italie, la France, l’Angleterre, la Suède, les Etats-Unis ainsi que le Brésil, avec son résultat surprenant mais dans la direction opposée. Ce …

“Élections, un rendez-vous qui confirme la vivacité démocratique d’Israël”

La Présidente de l’Union des communautés juives italiennes, Noemi di Segni, affirme: “Le rendez-vous électoral confirme encore une fois la vivacité de la dialectique démocratique d’Israël dans la journée la plus importante: celle dans laquelle chaque citoyen est appelé à …

Rav Alberto Sermoneta’s installation, “I will be everyone’s rabbi”

The new Rabbi of Venice, Rav Alberto Sermoneta, was installed on Sunday with a ceremony that saw the historical Spanish synagogue crowded with people. Many institutional and religious authorities were present, among which the Minister of Interior Matteo Piantedosi. It …

Italian Rabbinical College, the academic year kicks off

The academic year had its start on Sunday at the Italian Rabbinical College, the school that as primary duty has the education of rabbis e Jewish subjects’ teachers, with a lecture by Director Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni. The school provides …

L’Italie et la nouvelle législature, la note de la Présidente UCEI

La Présidente de l’Union des Communautés Juives Italiennes, Noemi Di Segni, a commenté avec ces mots l’intervention à la Chambre de la Présidente du Conseil Giorgia Meloni:

“Nous avons suit de très près le discours à la Chambre de la …

Giacomo Saban (1926-2022)

Italy’s Jews mourn the death of Giacomo Saban, a distinguished mathematician and respected leader, who passed last week. As president of the Jewish community of Rome, he was among the protagonists of the historical visit of Pope John Paul II …

Jewish cultural heritage, a year of important challenges

To plan and implement the multi-year programs in progress and to launch new projects. These the two fronts on which the Jewish Cultural Heritage Foundation in Italy will focus in the coming months, and they are equally “important for a …

Italian elections made news on the Jewish media

Last week, Italian general elections made news on the international press and Jewish media has been covering with special attention the success of right-winger Giorgia Meloni and the Brothers of Italy. The prospect of the right-wing government elicited many reactions …