
Altrove/Elsewhere – “Shemini Atzeret”

Catalan_Atlas_caravan_drawingBy Daniel Leisawitz*

“L’estate 2017 non verrà ricordata solo per il caldo, ma anche e soprattutto per i gravi problemi di siccità”.

According to Dr. Michele Brunetti, researcher at ISAC-CNR (Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate – Consiglio Nazionale delle …

The Partial Happiness of Sukkot

lulav_etrogBy Yaakov Mascetti*

There is a general understanding that “happiness” is an emotion experienced by the individual upon attaining complete satisfaction – the state of perpetual search, of yearning, and of disjointedness is, on the contrary, seen as one of …

Double Life – Yom Kippur, but Different

fubiniBy Daniela Fubini*

You live part of your life somewhere in the large portion of the globe that is not Israel, then one day you choose to pack up and come live in Israel and honestly, the last thing you’d …


Sergio-Della-PergolaBy Sergio Della Pergola*

Israel is living a passport drama this summer. The Ministry of Interior ordered that the new passports will have to be biometric, which means they’ll have a chip with the owner’s picture and fingerprints. This system …

The Importance of Listening

susanna calimaniBy Susanna Calimani*

Last week, Piero Terracina was in town. Invited by Italia-Altrove Frankfurt, a local Italian organization, he told us a bit about himself and about his experiences, about his life before and after Auschwitz. He tried to condense …

Responding to Signs with Words

mascettiBy Yaakov Mascetti*

Signs are everywhere. We move through the myriads of signs that envelop our lives, carelessly, with what has to be a partially ignorant nonchalance, a cognitive impurity we carry around since the Fall. In a cosmos filled …

Altrove – Free and Free to Err

Catalan_Atlas_caravan_drawingBy Daniel Leisawitz*

As we made our way well into the summer, the thoughts of many Americans, just as those of many Italians, turned toward taking a vacation: that brief respite from routine that helps us to break away, if …

Double Life – The War of the Beauties

fubiniBy Daniela Fubini
No, the war of the beauties in Israel did not happen or not yet at least. Blondie Bar Refaeli is covering all possible ads on TV and street posters and has one baby, one on his/her way …

Papers and History

bidussaBy David Bidussa*

The papers, library and documents that belonged to Carlo and Nello Rosselli were brought back to Florence after many vicissitudes and a real risk of being lost forever. This is not good news only for historians. There …

Altrove/Elsewhere – “La Festa della Repubblica”

Catalan_Atlas_caravan_drawingBy Daniel Leisawitz*

On Friday, June 2, Italy celebrated the Festa della Repubblica – the annual commemoration of the founding of the Republic of Italy. After the fall of the Fascist dictatorship and the end of the Second World War, …