
Paradoxes of Modern Life

susanna calimaniBy Susanna Calimani*

My latest troubling thought regards the modern paradox of mobility: as horses turned first into carriages, then into cars, trains, planes and ultra-fast trains; weeks and days of exhausting travel turned into hours, and hours into minutes. …

Purim, Conscience and the Emptying Jewish Pride

mascettiPurim is a difficult day for me – the narrative of violence that enwraps the whole subject of the hidden agency of God’s hand, has made this specific holiday quite unpleasant in my eyes. Yes, I’ve had my share of …

Double Life – Seagulls

fubiniBy Daniela Fubini*

One of the most puzzling things when I moved to Tel Aviv, finally at the sea level after my first, dry year in Jerusalem, was the fact that I could not hear nor see seagulls over the …

Geometric Forms

Sergio-Della-PergolaBy Sergio Della Pergola*

The bi-dimensional geometric form that best expresses the current geopolitical situation of the Western world is a spiral. If we look at it in a tridimensional way, it is a vortex.

*Sergio Della Pergola is a

My Mezuza

susanna calimaniBy Susanna Calimani*

The other day I realized that I should put a Mezuza in the flat I am renting, because although it is temporary, although it is not mine, although I’m often travelling, that is, nevertheless, where I live.…

Parting the Waters – Revealing the Hidden

mascettiBy Yaakov Mascetti*

Identity is a complex matter indeed. And origins are an even more complex issue. And since I have, like many other people, problems with both the latter and the former, the redemption of the people of Israel …

Double Life – Red

fubiniBy Daniela Fubini*

Say you are a relatively new Israeli like me, less than 10 years in the country. Say you live in the Center, or as we call it here the “Gush Dan”. Most likely, the only red thing …

Just Jewish

punturelloBy Pierpaolo Punturello*

With a journalist friend, we found ourselves talking about Judaism and compromise, before a mutual friend and Teacher.

Over the course of our speeches, we found ourselves stating that after years of youthful definitions when we would …

Head to Heels

carucciBy Benedetto Carucci Viterbi*

As Jacob is buried In the Machpelah cave, also Esau’s head rolled into it, coming to rest on his father’s Isaac. Therefore, it is clear that his intellectual dimension is as such that he deserves to …

Altrove/Elswhere – Secrets

Catalan_Atlas_caravan_drawingBy Daniel Leisawitz*

Joining a long tradition, President Obama, in the final days of his presidency, granted pardons and commutations to hundreds of people currently serving prison sentences, most of them for non-violent drug offenses. However, among the people receiving …