
Feuerstein’s lesson

By David Meghnagi*
It has been seven years since Reuven Feuerstein’s passing. Though, his voice has kept on resonating with those who could know and appreciate his scientific and cultural commitment and his open-mindedness. Born in 1921 from a rabbi …

Ticketless – Geel, the city of fools

By Alberto Cavaglion*

Geel is a Flemish city, isolated for centuries and ignored by history. From the perspective of the history of mental illnesses and their cures, it has a particularly unique history. Right from medieval times, the mentally ill …

Defining antisemitism

By Gadi Luzzatto Voghera*

After five years of controversy related to the working definition of antisemitism approved by the IHRA in 2016, a new and interesting attempt is on the horizon to propose a useful tool to combat the resurgent …

A new Yalta

By Alberto Cavaglion *

Every week that passes the post-pandemic scene becomes clearer. There is something akin to the post-war period, the third if we do not give credit to the fools who turned their backs on the 20th century.…

Equality as optional

By David Bidussa*
To relaunch tourism, Dubai offers three items package: travel, accommodation, and vaccine. Equality is optional.

*Historian of social ideas

Verona under the Republic of Salò

By Alberto Cavaglion*

The book by Olinto Domenichini Le ricerche hanno dato esito negativo (Cierre, 2021, Searches did not succeed), which tells the story of benevolent policemen and racial persecution in Verona in the years 1943-1945, deserves to be noted …

Das wirkliche Heldentum

Von David Bidussa*

Wenn ich Zweifel und Unsicherheiten habe, lese ich noch einmal die Worte von Inge Scholl. Ihre Geschwister Hans und Sophie Scholl gründeten die “Weiße Rose” d. h. eine Widerstandsgruppe gegen das NS-Regime. Und sie wurden am 22. …

Images of Purim

By Gadi Luzzatto Voghera*

Exploring the ever-growing collection of the CDEC Foundation’s archive and library is an activity that can hold interesting surprises and teach a lot. Take for example the next Purim festival, which Jewish children (and adults too) …

Primo Levi’s mezuzoth

By David Meghnagi*

A unique combination of psychological, stylistic and formal elements resulted from Primo Levi’s scientific education, with his plain language, his “marble” prose – far from “the language of the heart” – and the moral tension of his …

Die Verhütung der Völkermorde

Von Anna Foa*
Anlässlich des Tages des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Holocausts, am 27. Januar, hat Gabriele Nissim, Präsident von Gariwo, drei Vorschläge vor dem Ausschuss für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten der Abgeordnetenkammer unterbreitet. Die Vorschläge betreffen die Verhütung und die …