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“Lemberg, der Moment der Erinnerung” 

Bei den Bildern, die ihn am meisten beeindruckten, war ein überfüllter Bahnhof, voll mit Menschen, die versuchen, sich zu retten, indem sie in den ersten abfahrenden Zug einsteigen. Manchmal sogar, ohne den Weg oder das Ziel zu kennen. Alles, um …


By David Bidussa*
“In my view, the greatest evil is not violence, but aggression, aggression is the mother of all violence”. [Amos Oz, Gesù e Giuda, Feltrinelli, p. 26]. Sometimes, words open passages to begin to understand.

*Social historian …

The new fund, frequently asked questions

The UCEI (Union of Italian Jewish Communities), the single Communities and the Jewish institutions are getting a lot of questions and requests for clarification with regard to the new Fund for “the compensation of damage suffered by the victims of …

‘On doit protéger l’art contre les bombes’

Konstantin Akinsha liste les trésors de sa propre Ukraine : les 56000 objets du Musée des trésors historiques de Kiev, les chefs-d’œuvre de l’artiste contemporain Oleksandr Rojtburd, les synagogues dispersées dans tout le pays, les églises, les théâtres, les archives, …

Italics – Le destin littéraire de Primo Levi

Par Giorgio Berruto*

Si Primo Levi a d’abord été perçu comme un témoin d’Auschwitz, celui qui en a donné l’image la plus exacte et la plus frappante, il est aujourd’hui considéré comme un classique de la littérature italienne du …

The duty to ask

By Anna Segre

During the Passover seder, the narrative of liberation from slavery cannot begin without a question. It is not just a device to attract the attention of the little ones: the Talmud explicitly prescribes that even “two learned …

Appeal for a Russian Maidan

By Anna Foa*

From the letter in which the writer Jonathan Littell invites his Russian friends to overthrow the tyrant: ” You are very numerous, you are millions. The Moscow police can handle thirty thousand people in the street, …

Hope and fear

By David Bidussa*

Centuries of modernity, told us years ago Jean Delumeau in his La peur en Occident, have unwrapped in mounting tension between hope and fear. So, along with ostentatious confidences, we saw terrifying monsters everywhere: the devil, …