NEWS Portico D’Ottavia to Undergo Refurbishment
Portico d’Ottavia, the heart of Jewish life in Rome and the main square of the ancient ghetto is going to undergo refurbishment. Among other things, the flooring, made of traditional “sanpietrini” (little square blocks), will be completely renovated.
The project is the first initiative of the newly founded Portico d’Ottavia Association. It was presented by the president of Rome’s Municipal Area 1, Sabrina Alfonsi, and by superintendent Francesco Prosperetti. The funds will be entirely provided by the residents and shop owners of the area.
New benches, and a permanent area to collect garbage to be picked up several times a day might be also introduced. The square is visited by thousands of people who gather there every day; not only tourists and residents, but also the hundreds of students attending the community school. Keeping it clean is therefore an important challenge.
“The ghetto is and must be a reason for pride for the city of Rome. This is the area where the most ancient Jewish community of the Diaspora has always lived, since Titus’ times. It is a unique place, and all of us, those who live here and people who work here, want to make an effort to make it as nice as possible,” Angelo Di Porto, a member of the Association, told the Italian daily Corriere della Sera.