NEWS A New Tractate of the Talmud Is Translated in Italian

berakhotBy Pagine Ebraiche staff

Another instalment of the Italian translation of the Babylonian Talmud came out last week.

The Tractate of Berakhot, the first Tractate of the Seder Zeraim that largely deals with agricultural laws, has been published in two volumes by the publishing house La Giuntina. The Tractate was edited by rabbi Gianfranco Di Segni.

This achievement is part of the “Project Talmud”, which got under way in 2011 with an agreement signed by representatives of the government, the National Research Council, the Union of Italian Jewish Communities and the Rabbinical College. The government allocated over 5 million euro to it.

Working on the translations have been not only rabbis and Talmud scholars but also linguists, philologists, historians, researchers and computer scientists, using a special software especially developed for the project.

Among the topics discussed in the Tractate of Berakhot are the rules concerning several essential prayers such as the Shemah, Amidah and Birkat Hamazon.