Scars and Memory

vitaleBy Guido Vitale*

At the meeting point between North and South, between the Alps and the Mediterranean, amidst Slavic, Latin and Central European cultures, Trieste is reaffirming its role as a bastion for all minorities.
This fascinating Adriatic city, famed for its literary echoes and multiple borders, marked the southernmost point of the Iron Curtain during the 20th Century. The city has now seen the establishment of a new experimental workshop, organized by the local university, dedicated to the subject of Memory, entitled “Laboratorio della Memoria”.
Deep historical scars, in particular those that have involved minorities and civilian populations, can only be healed by an increased cultural awareness, and by seeking a fuller understanding of the ideals of peace and coexistence.

*Guido Vitale is the editor-in-chief of Pagine Ebraiche.