EVENTS Market and Values

By Rossella Tercatin Schermata 2014-06-22 alle 23.43.29

“Europe or not, it is time to change”. In an interview published on the June issue of Pagine Ebraiche, Luigi Zingales, the prominent Italian economist teaching at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, explained his views on the issues affecting Italy and the whole Euro-zone, and the possible solutions in response to the financial crisis that emerged in 2008: among them, a deeper integration of the banking system, new policies against the skyrocketing unemployment rate, new monetary policies against deflation.
However, it was not all about technical matters: Professor Zingales was also very keen to underline how being an economist in his view means being a professional moved by an authentic passion for civic duty.

Economics, markets, ethics, civic duty: disciplines that are far from having nothing to do with each other, as the Jewish tradition teaches.
In order to improve the understanding of this essential relationship, Pagine Ebraiche has organized the conference “Markets and Values” which is set to take place in Florence from June 23rd to June 27th.

Among the lecturers, Luigi Zingales, David Amodio, Associate Professor of Psychology and Neural Science at NYU, Raffaella Rumiati, Social Cognition & Integrative Neuroscience Professor at International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) of Trieste, Andrea Segrè, Director of the Department of Agricultural and Food Science at Bologna University, the historian Giacomo Todeschini (University of Trieste), Ruggero Gabbai, President of the Expo Commission of Milan City Council, the journalists Alessandro Marzo Magno and Fabrizio Goria and the Finance Councelor of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities Noemi Di Segni.

(Artwork by Giorgio Albertini)