NEWS Israel to EXPO, also in Rome

expogilonBy Rachel Silvera

A taste of EXPO 2015, the Universal Exhibition which will take place in Milan from May 1, 2015 to October 31, 2015 will also be held in the Eternal City thanks to exhibition “Rome to EXPO”.

Among the locations is Fiumicino Airport, where last week there was a grand opening of a space dedicated to the previews of some of the 140 countries which will take part in EXPO. Israel is also enriching the event with a sample of its’ EXPO pavilion, “Fields of Tomorrow,” designed by architect David Knafo. The result is an area decorated with fruits and vegetables, avocados, pomegranates and bottles of wine. As well there is a special place dedicated to Netafim, the innovative method of irrigation, Made in Israel.

“Our relationship with the city of Rome gives us a lot of pride,” commented Roberto Arditti, director of External Relations of EXPO. “Hosting an Israel exhibition is also a pleasure. Israel, which is an example of what can be achieved with limited resources through research and innovation will be among the leading countries at EXPO.”
“The exhibition of Israel at the airport can also teach us a lot about a start-up as well as about nutrition and health,” added a member of Rome’s city council in charge of tourism, Marta Leonori.

“We are grateful to the mayor of Rome who has granted us this opportunity: the airport is really an important place for those who want to present themselves to the public,” underlined the Israeli ambassador to Italy, Naor Gilon. “The theme of EXPO 2015, ‘Feed the Planet’ fits perfectly with Italy and Israel. In 66 years Israel has proven to be both creative and innovative and has become one of the leaders in the field of food processing procedures. The Israel pavilion will focus on key elements of its history of agriculture and on the many facets of the country. There will also be workshops, wine tastings and cooking demonstrations with Israeli chefs. The final surprise will be a restaurant that will display the different nuances of Israeli cuisine which represents a melting pot of different cultures and ethnic groups: from Poland to Yemen. An opportunity that I hope will strengthen even further the already excellent relationship between Italy and Israel.”