EXHIBITIONS “The Worlds of Primo Levi” A Success that Needs Supporting

leviBy Ada Treves

The success of the exhibition “The Worlds of Primo Levi – A Strenuous Clarity” is evident every day, simply passing in front of Palazzo Madama, in the centre of Turin, where often there is a queue waiting to get in. More than ten thousand visitors in about three week, and the book of signatures full of signs of affection and gratitude, and many cities in Italy and all over Europe that are waiting for the exhibition to start travelling, as planned. But the Centro Internazionale di Studi Primo Levi (the Primo Levi Centre that has promoted the exhibition) had to launch a fundraising campaign, with the specific aim to pay for the travel expenses of “The worlds of Primo Levi”, something that many of the future hosts cannot afford and that would be too much for the Centre itself to cover. In a special visit organized last week, a few directors of the Ministry of Culture and Heritage led by Dario Disegni, president of the Foundation for Jewish Cultural Heritage in Italy, found the exhibition so interesting and important that its opening in Rome has been decided and organized in a few minutes. But so many are the places that would want it that every single action to support the chances of “The Worlds of Primo Levi – A Strenuous Clarity” to travel, and be seen by as many people as possible, is important.