EVENTS Between Bridges and Dialogue; a Celebration for Jewish Culture

cividalliBy Rossella Tercatin

Thousands of people all over Italy took part in the European Day of Jewish Culture on September 6. From Florence, selected as the leading city for 2015, to Rome, Milan, Venice, Turin and dozens of other locations, Italian citizens joined the events organized by Jewish communities and institutions.

The theme chosen for this year edition, “Bridges”, represented also a gateway to discuss one of the main current challenges of European societies: the refugee crisis. Renzo Gattegna, the president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, which organizes the day at the national level, announced the decision to dedicate the celebrations of the European Day of Jewish Culture in Italy to the refugees.

President of the Jewish Community of Florence Sara Cividalli declared herself delighted with the outcome of the Day, considering the number of fellow citizens that visited the synagogue and joined the events, many of which were focused on the theme of Tikkun Olam, the Jewish concept of “repairing the world”.

“Tikkun Olam should be our ultimate goal, bearing in mind that from situations of crisis can arise many new opportunities,” she commented.