NEWS A New Council for the Union of Italian Jewish Communities  

ucei electionsBy Pagine Ebraiche staff
The Union of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI) has a new council. The electoral commission composed of the general secretaries of the UCEI, the Jewish Community of Rome, and the Jewish community of Milan, Gloria Arbib, Emanuele Di Porto and Alfonso Sassun, announced the name of the new members on Tuesday June 21, after the elections held on the previous Sunday.
The Council is made up of 52 members.
Twenty of them are elected from Rome, where four lists were presented to the members of the community. Kol Israel won 8 seats with 38.2% of the votes (Ruth Dureghello, Gianni Ascarelli, Settimio Di Porto, Raffaele Sassun, Claudio Moscati, Franca Formiggini Anav, Gianluca Pontecorvo, Angelo Sed). Menorah won 5 seats with 27.5% of the votes (Livia Ottolenghi, Guido Coen, David Meghnagi, Hamos Guetta, Victor Magiar). Binah won 5 seats with 23.2% of the votes (Noemi Di Segni, Sabrina Coen, Jacqueline Fellus, Davide Jona Falco, Saul Meghnagi). Israele siamo noi won 2 seats with 11% of the votes (Marco Sed, Giacomo Moscati).
The turn-out in Rome was 24.7% (up four points compared to 2012).
Ten members are elected in Milan, where voters could choose up to five names from any of the three lists. Wellcommunity per Israele won 6 seats (Raffaele Besso, Sara Modena, Dalia Gubbay, Guido Ascer Guetta, Raffaele Turiel, Guido Osimo). Comunità Aperta won 2 seats (Cobi Benatoff, Joyce Bigio). Milano per l’Unione – l’Unione per Milano won 2 seats (Milo Hasbani, Giorgio Mortara).
Elections were also held  in three other communities, Florence, Livorno and Trieste, where Sara Cividalli, Vittorio Mosseri and Mauro Tabor were elected.
The representatives of the other 16 Italian Communities were selected by their boards: Manfredo Coen (Ancona), David Menasci (Bologna), Elio Carmi (Casale Monferrato), Andrea Pesaro (Ferrara), Angiolo Chicco Veroli (Genova), Licia Vitali (Mantova), Elisabetta Rossi Innerhofer (Merano), Arturo Bemporad (Modena), Sandro Temin (Naples), Davide Romanin Jacur (Padua), Giorgio Giavarini (Parma), Arsenio Veicsteinas (Pisa), Giulio Disegni (Turin), Sandra Levis (Venice), Rossella Bottini Treves (Vercelli) e Roberto Israel (Verona).
The three seats reserved for members of the Italian Rabbinical Assembly will be filled by three of the five members of the designated body: rav Alfonso Arbib, rav Ariel Di Porto, rav Giuseppe Momigliano, rav Elia Richetti, rav Alberto Somekh. The selection will be made by the UCEI Council.
The first meeting of the new UCEI council to appoint the new president will be held on July 3.