SPORTS Naples Youth Soccer Team Visits Shoah Memorial

napoliBy Pagine Ebraiche staff

The Primavera team of Naples visited the Milan’ Shoah Memorial last week. The players were in Milan for a match of the Italian youth football championship and they were accompanied on the visit by their coach Loris Beoni, Naples’ communication manager Nicola Lombardo and by the president of the Memorial, Roberto Jarach.

In the past few months a number of Italian teams have visited the site, especially following the affront to the figure of Anne Frank by Lazio fans.

“For our young athletes, this was an opportunity of having an important historical experience. They will remember it forever and it will surely contribute to their moral and cultural growth”, said a team representative. “Certain values are essential and must be protected every day”.

Naples has proven their will to lead the way in the fight against intolerance and racism in the Italian soccer world. Among others, they have been the only Italian club taking part in the European forum “Equal Game”.