NEWS “MEIS, the Government Must Give Answers”

By Pagine Ebraiche staff

An official request to clarify the situation about the halt of the transfer of funds for the completion of the Museo dell’Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah (Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah, known as MEIS) has been presented to the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Alberto Bonisoli.

The funds, 25 million euros, have already been part of the approved budget. The request was presented by 38 members of Parliament from the Democratic Party. The first signee was Senator Paola Boldrini from Ferrara, followed by Senator for life, Liliana Segre.

“We immediately understood that culture is not among the government’s priorities, but that the funds already assigned to the project were canceled for neglect or delays by ministerial officers is really nonsense,” commented Boldrini. “The MEIS, aside from highlighting the important contribution offered to Italian culture by the Jewish community, is already highly appreciated internationally”.