NEWS “The Garden of the Righteous, a model for the defense of human rights”

GARIWOBy Pagine Ebraiche staff*

“The Garden of the Righteous is a symbol of the most authentic Milan: an antifascist, pragmatic and tolerant city that was awarded the gold medal for Resistance. We have always been open to the world, we believe in democratic values”, said Milan Mayor Giuseppe Sala while opening the ceremony at the Monte Stella for the installation of four new plaques dedicated to as many new Righteous.

The newly-appointed Righteous are Istvan Bibò, Simone Veil, Wangari Maathai and Denis Mukwege.

Gabriele Nissim, president of Gariwo, noted that both Veil, the first female President of the European Parliament, and Bibò, a Hungarian intellectual, are “role models of commitment to the defense of human dignity and to the fight against intolerance, which is generated by those populisms and nationalisms shaking up many nations today”.

He added: “This year we wanted to honor those who have been fighting in Africa for environmental protection, democracy and peace, like Wangari Maathai and Denis Mukwege”, both winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, in 2004 and 2018 respectively.

“We shall learn from today that every one of us, with their little actions, can do their part for the world”, Sala said, while Nissim briefly recalled the example of his recently deceased father, Joseph.
Right now at Palazzo Marino parchments are being delivered to the Righteous honored at the Virtual Garden of Monte Stella.

Among others, vice-president of UCEI Giorgio Mortara attended the ceremony.

*Translated by Rachele Ferin, with the help of Claudia Azzalini, students at the Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators of Trieste University, interns at the newspaper office of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities.