NEWS Plaque honoring family murdered by the Nazis unveiled in Rome

plaque romeBy Pagine Ebraiche staff

A plaque honoring the Efrati family who was rounded up by the Nazis on October 16, 1943, was uncovered in Rome last week.

“On October 16, 1943, ten Roman citizens who were torn from their lives by Nazi hatred only because they were Jews, were rounded up from this place and deported to Auschwitz. Abraham Umberto Efrati with his wife Maria Di Segni expecting a baby and eight of their children. Enrica, Angelo, Cesare, Fortunata, Grazia, Giuditta, Dora and Marco. Only two of them returned.”
The commemorative plaque was placed in via del Portonaccio 194, on the initiative of the Museo della Shoah Foundation and the city administration.

Another son, Lazzaro, will later be deported and killed in Ebensee. His sister Emilia, who today participated in the unveiling of the plaque together with the representatives of the authorities escaped arrest and survives as the only witness of that family.

Among those who attended the ceremony were deputy mayor with responsibility for cultural growth Luca Bergamo, Isabella Parrilla, a member of the neighborhood board, the president of the Jewish community of Rome Ruth Dureghello, the president of the Museo della Shoah Foundation Mario Venezia and the vice president Paolo Masini.