NEWS Italian Jewish community, an example of resilience

By Pagine Ebraiche staff

The Jewish Agency for Israel organized a meeting with its chairman Isaac Herzog and several leaders from communities in the diaspora, including the president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI) Noemi Di Segni.

“Diaspora communities have always made an essential contribution to Israel. Now the time has come for Israel to do something in the opposite direction too,” Herzog said.

The meeting was an opportunity to present a series of initiatives aimed at offering support to all those Jewish communities around the world that are facing major challenges in the light of the pandemic.

The leaders were invited to share their communities’ experiences.

Di Segni highlighted the great resilience showed by Italian Jews, the efforts made by the UCEI, the numerous services provided to aggregate, strengthen the sense of community and leave no one behind.
“Italian Jews – Di Segni explained – perceived a community that stood by their side offering them additional services compared to those of the state. They understood that they are not alone and that they are part not only of a local community but also of a wider national reality”.

The UCEI President also focused on the need to protect the future of the four Italian Jewish schools (Rome, Milan, Turin and Trieste) and thanked the Jewish Agency for the support received in these months.