Let’s celebrate Passover in solidarity

From matzos to wine, from donuts to Parmigiano Reggiano. Over 250 food packages are being distributed throughout Jewish Italy to help less well to do families celebrate the upcoming Pesach holiday. The effort is coordinated by Jacqueline Fellus, the Union of the Italian Jewish Community councilwoman in charge of Kasherut. “From the companies that provided us with products, professional support, and means, to the volunteers who came to help in packaging and distribution: at every level I found great commitment and collaboration”, she said. “There is a great desire to help. And this, of course, is very positive”. Part of the cost of the packages, offered at a controlled price, is absorbed by the UCEI. For the rest, some communities, such as that of Rome, recipient of the largest number of parcels, have taken charge of it. “It is an important initiative – Fellus highlighted – that come at a time of serious difficulties for so many families”.