Jewish Italy lights up against the darkness of prejudice

In big cities as in small centers, last Tuesday the lights went up in ancient synagogues, community buildings, and private homes to commemorate the anniversary of Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass, the pogrom against Jews carried out by Nazis in Germany on 9–10 November 1938. From North to South, Jewish Italy answered to the UCEI invitation to bring a testimony of Memory, Jewish life, and vitality. In a spectacular display, some of Europe’s most ancient and beautiful synagogues thus lit up against the darkness of persecution and racisms.
Lights on in the Great Synagogue of Rome, seat of the most ancient Jewish community in the Diaspora; in the medieval Synagogue of Trani, recently returned to religious worship; in Venice’s historical synagogues, which date back to the era of ghettos, and in all 21 Italian Jewish Communities and aggregated sections revolving around. Along with the lights, moments of Torah study marked the event. Because, as the UCEI invitation reminded, this is Judaism’s strongest light.
Here a photogallery of the event.

Above, the synagogue of Trieste.