Turkey, a time for solidarity

To help the populations affected by the devastating earthquake, the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities last week has activated a fundraiser to which everyone is called to contribute. “We are joined in suffering to the families of the thousands of victims, participating in their mourning; we are close to the displaced, to those who struggle between life and death in a hospital ward, to those who are still under the rubble waiting for help” says the UCEI.
The initiative was launched in collaboration “with the World and the European Jewish Congresses, together with other Jewish institutions such as Joint, Hias, Adei Wizo, and the Turkish community” to offer support on a health level but also material and spiritual. In doing so, UCEI stresses that it joins the prayers “of the Jewish community in Turkey and of the faithful of all religions for relief, healing of wounds and a remedy for the lacerating pain”.

Donations can be sent to the following IBAN, specifying the reason for the payment in the description: IT 42 B 02008 05205 000103538743.