From the pandemic to remembrance, an award unites Italy and Israel

Their merits range from the commitment to remembrance to the fight against the pandemic to diplomatic and economic cooperation. With these motivations, Iael Nidam-Orvieto, Arnon Shahar, Clelia Di Consiglio, and David Moses were recently conferred the honor of Commander of the Order of the Star of Italy by the Italian embassy in Israel. The recognition is granted by the President of the Italian Republic to those who have distinguished themselves in promoting friendship and collaboration between Italy and other countries. “We are grateful for your commitment to fostering ties between Italy and Israel and in creating important opportunities for cooperation”, remarked the Italian ambassador in Israel Sergio Barbanti, conferring the honor on the four winners. Among them, Nidam-Orvieto, Director of the International Institute for Holocaust Research in Yad Vashem, has been recognized for her important work on Memory, with many research and projects dedicated to the history of Italian Jews. Doctor Arnon Shahar, responsible for Israel’s vaccination plan during the pandemic, was instead recognized for his work of connection and cooperation with Italian colleagues and authorities during the pandemic.