ROME – The Memory of October 16, 1943, with Modiano and Bucci

The Jewish community in Rome gathered around Holocaust survivors Sami Modiano and Tatiana Bucci in the traditional “silent walk” that marked the beginning of the commemoration of the Nazi-Fascist roundup of October 16, 1943, when a thousand Jews were deported from the Italian capital to Auschwitz. Only 16 survived e none of them are still alive. Modiano and Bucci, who were captured in Rhodes (Greece) and Fiume (now Rijeka, Croatia) respectively, are among the last living Italian survivors and have shared their experience. Commemorating that time at the Great Synagogue, Modiano said, “is a bit like being with family.”
Organized by Elvira Di Cave, Daniel Di Porto, and Elio Limentani, the march passed through the streets of the Jewish quarter, going through the alleys and streets where the Nazi-Fascists stormed at dawn on that “Black Saturday,” while also operating in other neighborhoods of the capital. Also speaking were the, Victor Fadlun, President of Rome’s Jewish Community, and Rome’s Chief Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni.