EUROPEAN DAY OF JEWISH CULTURE – AEPJ: “The people of the book” the theme of 2025

The European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ) is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The AEPJ has been a key promoter of the European Day of Jewish Culture and numerous initiatives dedicated to highlighting over two millennia of Jewish history on the continent. This rich history, with significant contributions from Italy, was honored on January 23 in an event at the Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg.
“This date is more than just a celebration; it is a recognition of the collective efforts made to preserve and promote Jewish heritage as an integral part of European culture and our shared history,” said François Moyse, president of the AEPJ in the opening remarks. A series of speakers, including European political figures and scholars of Jewish culture, discussed various aspects of medieval Jewish heritage.
Among the initiatives presented by the AEPJ were the “European routes of Jewish heritage” network, aimed at promoting the memory, history, and legacy of Jewish culture across the continent; the educational project “Mi dor le dor” (From Generation to Generation), focused on transmitting the knowledge of Jewish communities destroyed in the Holocaust; and the “Next routes” initiative, developed in collaboration with the Erasmus program. At the end of December, the AEPJ announced the theme for the next European Jewish Culture Day, set for September 2025: “The people of the book.” This theme was chosen “due to the rich potential it offers for exploring Jewish heritage, strengthening interfaith dialogue, and inspiring innovative programs across Europe.”
Photo: From left to right, Italian Ambassador to the Council of Europe Roberto Martini, Annie Sacerdoti (AEPJ), UCEI President Noemi Di Segni, Claudia De Benedetti (AEPJ).