
1938, Architektur holt die Erinnerung zurück

„Was bleibt noch von der Arbeit und der Erinnerung an die jüdischen Architekten, die während des 20-jährigen Faschismus in Italien tätig waren und später aus den Registern gestrichen oder suspendiert wurden? Wie können wir die Erinnerung an die Fachleute wiederherstellen, …

Syracuse, un mikvé singulier pour la ville

À Syracuse, il existe un mikvé – bain rituel juif – qui est reconnu comme tel par l’Union des Communautés Juives Italiennes et qui fait désormais partie d’un itinéraire culturel européen. Il y a plus de trente ans, il a …

“Boris Pahor, a testimony aware of his role”

The life and work of Boris Pahor, the Slovene novelist from Trieste who recently passed at 108, who survived the Nazi deportation and became one of the most important testimonies of the tragedies of the 20th century, was presented last …

“The preservation of the Jewish heritage: Italy’s excellent work”

It has been little over twelve months since the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities – UCEI entrusted the management of its Bibliographic Centre to the Jewish Cultural Heritage Foundation in Italy. The Centre is a site of historical importance …

Tel Aviv between avant-garde and bubble

“Is it going to be the avant-garde of a future Israel or just a bubble, a gamble to be played between avant-garde and tradition, between cynicism and tolerance, or more simply a real challenge in a fortress country surrounded by …

Joshua Cohen: “In Brody, looking for Roth”

By Adam Smulevich

Joshua Cohen was in Jerusalem at the time it was announced that he had won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Just a few minutes later, he said, “my house was surrounded by reporters. None of them had …

Erfahrungen und Welten im Vergleich

Shaul Bassi, Dozent an der Universität Venedig und Seele der Vereinigung Beit Venezia- Haus der jüdischen Kultur, schlägt uns zwei Bücher vor. Das erste ist ein Roman des israelischen Schriftstellers und Dramatikers Roy Chen, Anime, dessen italienische Ausgabe demnächst beim …

Italian Rabbinical College, the academic year kicks off

The academic year had its start on Sunday at the Italian Rabbinical College, the school that as primary duty has the education of rabbis e Jewish subjects’ teachers, with a lecture by Director Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni. The school provides …