
The pandemic and the art of being a museum

By Daniel Reichel

“The coronavirus crisis has in all respects sped up some changes we were undergoing and has brought problems that already existed into the spotlight. After their abrupt closure, the cultural institutions began asking themselves: What exactly is …

Women leaving their mark: Forbes lists Tania Coen-Uzzielli

Since January 1, 2019, Tonia Coen-Uzzielli has been the director of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art-TAMA, an institution celebrating in 2022 its 90th anniversary and a history of successes. Before, she held important positions at the Israel Museum and …

European Day of Jewish Culture, the challenges of renewal

The 23th edition of the European Day of Jewish Culture, which highlights the diversity and richness of Judaism and promotes dialogue, recognition and exchange, will take place on Sunday, 18 September. As in the past years, the event will open …

The Jewish Book Festival is back with Joshua Cohen and Rutu Modan

From September 15 to 18th, the Jewish Book Festival returns to the MEIS – National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah in Ferrara. This 13th edition will address the issues of the relationship between Judaism and image and of …

Lisetta Carmi (1924-2022)

Lisetta Carmi, one of the most important Italian photographers, passed away last week at 98. She approached photography thanks to Leo Levi, the renowned musicologist, who was traveling in Puglia, in Southern Italy, to record melodies and songs of the …

A new study by Sergio Della Pergola: Antisemitism, the perception of the victims

By Daniela Gross

While a first-of-its-kind index recently released by the European Jewish Association unveils the prevalence of antisemitic sentiment in 12 European countries, a new paper by the Italian-Israeli demographer and statistician Sergio Della Pergola, professor at the Hebrew …

Talmud, a new tractate in bookstores

A new piece has been added to the mosaic that is starting to take shape on the instigation of the memorandum of understanding for the Talmud Translation, which was signed in Rome in 2011, under the auspices of Rabbi Adin …

The rules of the Megillah

By Rabbi Michael Ascoli

The tractate of Megillah concerns mainly the rules of public reading and writing of the biblical Book of Esther, the most known among the Megillot or scrolls of Tanakh, also known by definition as “Megillah”. If …