
KULTUR Viktor Emanuel III., der Prozess

vittorio emanuelevon Pagine Ebraiche staff

Am 18. Januar findet eine beispiellose gerichtliche Vertiefung in Rom statt, um Schulden und Haftung zu klären.
Im Jahr 2018 wird das 80. Bestehen des Erlasses der Rassengesetze sein, die vom König Viktor Emanuel III. im …

CULTURA Meis, unir modernidad e historia antigua

meis 1Daniel Reichel

Un proyecto que tiene su propia identidad, que entrelaza el pasado con un alma profundamente contemporánea y que se integra en el espacio urbano de Ferrara. Un lugar nacido para contar la historia del judaísmo italiano, que abarca …

CULTURE “Museums, It Is All about the Display”

meisBy Daniela Modonesi

“There are no nice or ugly things. You just have to display them well”. For Giovanni Tortelli and Roberto Frassoni, who were called to design and implement the inaugural exhibition at Meis, Franco Albini’s words are not …

CULTURE Jewish Music Celebration with the UCEI Contest in Parma

parmaBy Daniel Reichel

Amid applause from the public in the Casa della Musica (Music House) of Parma, the top prize of the first edition of the “Concorso di composizione musicale nella tradizione ebraica” (Musical Composition in Jewish Tradition Contest) went …

CULTURE In Ferrara to Explore the Tree of Life

Schermata 2017-12-11 alle 14.49.58By Simonetta Della Seta*

When I visited for the first time the place where we were going to set up the first part of the exhibition of the Meis (Museo nazionale dell’ebraismo italiano e della Shoah), what struck me was …

CULTURE MEIS, Knowledge and Dialogue

dario disegniBy Dario Disegni*

The opening of the first large building of the “Meis – Museo Nazionale dell’Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah” (National Museum of Italian Judaism and Shoah) (Meis), with the exhibition “Jews, an Italian history. The first thousand years …

CULTURE The Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah Ready to Debut

meis dossierBy Ada Treves

A complex and multi-shaped reality, comprising national authorities as well as smaller local organizations. A rich heritage including over a hundred institutions from all over Europe. This is the reality that Brigitte Sion depicted in her “Survey …

NEWS Italy Tell The Story Of Its Jewish People In New Museum

meisBy Talya Zax*

“The story of Jews in Italy is really an Italian story,” Dario Disegni said one recent autumn morning at Columbia University’s Italian Academy for Advanced Studies.

Disegni, president of the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the …