
El barco de Giuliani zarpa de Midrash y llega lejos

Su título es Nell’oceano dell’ebraismo. Brevi navigazioni tra Talmud e filosofía (En el océano del judaísmo. Breves navegaciones entre Talmud y filosofía). Se trata de una recopilación de textos del editorial Castelvecchi y es una antología deslumbrante que va de …

Turin: Jews and Waldensians, citizens like others since 1848

Under the sky of Turin, the Mole Antonelliana has once again turned blue. “1848: Jews and Waldensians, citizens like others”, states the white bold lettering appearing on the city’s symbol from this week. Conceived as a grand new temple for …

La clase de Valentino Baldacci
sobre el “Antisemitismo viejo y nuevo”

En ocasión del Día Internacional de Conmemoración en Memoria de las Víctimas del Holocausto de 2007, el antiguo presidente de la República italiana Giorgio Napolitano subrayó la necesidad de “luchar contra cada señal de antisemitismo, aun cuando se disfraza de …

WWII, the denunciation of Jews on display at the Casina dei Vallati in Rome

Under Nazi-fascism, not only notorious gangs, such as the Bardi-Pollastrini or the Cialli-Mezzaroma gangs, but also “ordinary” Italian citizens distinguished themselves in the denunciation of Jews. A painful chapter, addressed by the exhibition “Le parole dell’odio. Gli ebrei romani venduti …

BOOKS – Jewish Rome tells its story in a series

The first volume was published in 2012: La scomparsa della sesta Scola (“The disappearance of the sixth Synagogue”), written by Giancarlo Spizzichino. The author reconstructed the little-known history of the Portaleone synagogue, also known as “the Sixth Synagogue,” located in …

Sienne, la synagogue de la ville inscrite au patrimoine d’Europa Nostra

En février 2023, un tremblement de terre a frappé Sienne, causant des dommages considérables à plusieurs bâtiments, dont la synagogue du Vicolo delle Scotte, en plein centre historique. Une campagne de collecte de fonds lancée par la Communauté juive de …

The hidden beauty of Sicily’s ancient Jewish heritage

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Catania Section of the Jewish Community of Naples held an event to raise awareness about the Sicilian Jewish heritage. The initiative included a visit to the impressive Jewish catacombs located in the ancient heart of …