Italian Word of the Week

Italian Word of the Week CITTADINI

italicsBy Daniela Gross

The word of the week, “cittadini”, indicates the citizens and is usually opposed to the word “suddito”, which means subject. As in English, “cittadino” (to be pronounced chit-ta-dee-no) has a more political than geographical meaning.
The word …

Italian Word of the Week NEGAZIONISMO

italicsBy Daniela Gross

As we have learned since childhood, denial is a terrific way to escape from reality. When we tell our fantastic stories, all our misfits and mistakes seem to magically vanish. But when it comes to history, to …

Italian Word of the Week ARCHIVIO

italicsBy Daniela Gross

The Italian word “archivio” derives from Greek and Latin – “archium” or “archivium”. Except for the pronunciation, which is completely different (in Italian it sounds “ar-kee-vee-o), the word of the week is so similar to the English …

Italian Word of the Week COMMERCIALE

italicsBy Daniela Gross

“Commerciale” is the Italian version of the English “commercial, mercantile”. It is a word deriving from the Latin “commercium”, that indicates the action of trading goods or money. In European history, for many reasons, Jews were often …

Italian Word of the Week BELLA CIAO

italicsBy Daniela Gross

If you followed the news last week about the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and its victims, maybe you encountered these two Italian words: “Bella Ciao”. It’s the title of a popular Italian partisan hymn played during …

Italian Word of the Week CUCINA

italicsBy Daniela Gross

The word of this week is so beloved to the Italian way of life and thinking. “Cucina” – to be pronounced “kutchìna”- comes from the Latin. The “cucina” is the kitchen, and at the same time it …

Italian Word of the week TRADUZIONE

italicsBy Daniela Gross

“Tradurre è tradire”. It sounds like a tongue twister, and it is one of the best known Italian proverbs. It reminds us that “To translate is to betray”, and that any translation, even the most accurate one, …

Italian Word of the Week GIARDINO

italicsBy Daniela Gross

This is a difficult season for gardeners. When you look out the window and see only bare trees, dry lawns and no flowers for miles, it’s inevitable to feel a bit gloomy. However we can find comfort …

Italian Word of the Week LUCI

italicsBy Daniela Gross

“Luci”, the word of the week, is strictly related to Hanukkah. Admittedly, Hanukkah is Hanukkah in Italy as all it is around the world. The only difference is that sometimes Italians transliterate this Hebrew word as “Chanukkah”, …

Italian Word of the Week PONTI

italics“Ponte” is the Italian word meaning “bridge”. It is a term that comes directly from Latin, and is very common in our country. We have bridges on rivers, and many of them are famous all over the world, such as …