
MEDIA The Golem, from Myth to Modern Icon

PE golemThe January issue of Pagine Ebraiche features a special section about the figure of the Golem, edited by journalist Ada Treves. The following is the introduction to the special section.

By Ada Treves

So rooted in collective phantasy as to …

MEDIA What Lies ahead in the 21st Century for the Jewish Press in Europe?

peBy Jonathan Benedek*

In the age of the Internet and social media, news updates arrive instantaneously through the paperless Internet as well as through the diverse array of social media platforms.

“Newspapers find themselves to be in a state with …

ANNIVERSARIES Jews from Arab Lands: the Forgotten Exodus

arab-landsBy Daniel Reichel
On November 30, Israel and Jewish communities all over the world including Italy, remembered the expulsion of the Jews from Arab countries.
Half a century ago, between 850,000 and one million people were forced to leave their …

THE UNESCO AND JERUSALEM “Italy Should Give Voice to the Truth”

di-segni-mattarellaAfter Italy abstained in the vote on a resolution that fails to recognize the bond between Jerusalem and the Jewish people in October, the President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities Noemi Di Segni sent a letter to the

MEDIA On Pagine Ebraiche, 500 Years of Venetian history

VeniceBy Ada Treves

A remarkable year, an extraordinary coincidence: the 500th anniversary of the formation of the Jewish Ghetto in Venice – still a symbol of all exclusions – and the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, the …

MEDIA Seventy Times DafDaf

DDBy Ada Treves

Seventy. DafDaf, the Jewish magazine for kids has arrived to its seventieth issue, with a special header by Paolo Bacilieri. When asked to write something for the occasion Guido Vitale, the editor-in-chief, has actually cheated: “The fact …

MEDIA Discovery the World of Philosophy on DafDaf

DDBy Ada Treves

Filò is the protagonist of issue 69 of DafDaf, the Jewish magazine for kids, that at the very end of the school year has decided to offer young readers new pages, on philosophy. And Filò – this …

MEDIA The Real Israel and the Israel On Prime Time

TVBy Pagine Ebraiche staff

The state of Israel was chosen among the countries portrayed in the Italian TV show, “L’Erba dei Vicini,” which is broadcast in prime time on the Channel 3 on Italian public TV (Rai).

Each episode of …