
SWG survey: Italians closer to the Palestinians

The more the conflict with Hamas terrorists continues, the more the approval of Italians towards Israel’s actions drops. This is what was registered in the last survey by the SWG research institute, which shows that since the outbreak of the …

The Jewish Community of Verona donates an ambulance to Israel

Since the conflict between Israel and Hamas broke out, Israel’s national first aid service Magen David Adon is working with every available resource. The operating means are almost 1.400, including common ambulances, armored ones, mobile intensive care units, and motorcycle …

Gazzo: Italian municipalities adopt attacked kibbutzim

A summit between Israel and Italy was scheduled for October in Jerusalem. It would have been the first in ten years and would have been an opportunity to sign new economic, cultural, and scientific agreements between the two countries. “As …

Israelis between two narratives and PTSD

Terror and empathy. These are the two emotions that Hamas, since the massacres of October 7, has been trying to spread with its videos through public opinion. “Hamas terrorists talk to two different worlds. With the videos of the massacres, …

Italian synagogues illuminated against hatred

The synagogue of Pisa illuminated on the night of November 9-10, 2023. The Jewish community of Pisa also joined the UCEI initiative to light up the lights of Italian synagogues on the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht (November 9, 1938).…

Rabbis and IHRA appeal against prejudice and violence

We should not be afraid neither to go the synagogue or to wear the kippah. This is the meaning of a call to action by the Conference of European Rabbis meant “to contain the dramatic increase in antisemitic episodes.” Signed, …

The survey: more Italians side with Israel than in the past

17% of Italians are “closer to the Israeli community”, while 14% are “closer to the Palestinian community.” 34% express closeness to “both”, while 22% “to neither.” 13% choose not to take a side. These figures, among others, come from the …