Having trouble viewing this email? Click here June 28, 2021 – 18 Tamuz 5781

Arturo Schwarz (1924-2021)

Poet, writer, art historian and collector, Arturo Schwarz contributed to introduce in Italy many great artists such as Marcel Duchamp or Man Ray and the most important exponents of the historical avant-gardes. He passed away on Wednesday at the age of 97, having left an indelible mark on the Italian culture.
Born in Alexandria in Egypt into a Jewish family, from a German father and an Italian mother, he spent the first twenty-five years of his life in Cairo. “I had dual citizenship - he said - but in 1933, after Hitler rose to power, we renounced the German one and my father, who was separated from my mother and had moved to Cairo, forbade me to address him in his mother tongue”.
It was in Cairo that he early came into contact with politics. At the age of fourteen, in 1938, he was ready to call himself a Trotskyite. “With a couple of Coptic friends and a Muslim, I founded the Egyptian section of the Fourth International, wanted by Lev Trotsky”, he told in an interview. Meanwhile he wrote poetry and maintained an overseas correspondence with André Breton, poet and theorist of surrealism. A friendship was born, as Schwarz explained in 2013 in an extensive interview with Pagine ebraiche.

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Sailing away with the Israeli artist Ron Arad

For the poster of the next Barcolana yacht race, the world’s largest sailing regatta held every year in Trieste on the second Sunday in October, the renowned Israeli designer, architect and artist Ron Arad said that he studied the images of the past editions. “I wanted to convey a sense of movement, the presence of the water, but not a juxtaposition of images”, he explained.
The result is a minimalist poster in which essential, sinuous lines give life to the very essence of a regatta: the sea, the boats and their sails. The artwork, which evokes nautical charts and maps, was officially presented last week. “Through his precise lines, Ron Arad highlights the essence of sailing, the sea, and our regatta”, stressed Mitja Gialuz, president of the Società Velica di Barcola e Grignano yacht club which promotes the event. “This is how Barcolana53 introduces itself: the essence of the event, the tradition that brings sailing enthusiasts together, and the innovation that will take us far, all of us, in the name of the sea”.

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Seiten des Sommers

Schaufeln und Eimer, ein Ball, ein Netz und ein Schmetterling: Wie jedes Jahr mit der Sommerausgabe kehrt dem Sondermagazin zurück, das Paolo Bacilieri für DafDaf gestaltet hat. Auf dem Cover öffnet eine Illustration der Strega Comanda Color, Luisa Valenti, ein erstes Fenster in ihrer Kolumne, die zwei Büchern gewidmet ist: "Eines ist ein Regenbogen-Leporello mit Lochkarten aus Obst und Gemüse, mit dem man endlose Spiele zur Entdeckung seltsamster Kreuzungen spielen kann. Und das andere ist ein Buch für Erwachsene und für diejenigen, die Wissenschaft nur dann gut verstehen, wenn sie auch Geschichten hören“, schreibt er. Sie heißen "Hello Tomato" und "Die Botanik des Verlangens", und während das erste perfekt zum Spielen an langen Sommerabenden ist, ist das letzte eine Mine für kuriose Informationen. Auf Äpfeln zum Beispiel, wie junge Leser entdecken werden.
Der Buchteil ist „Das Kind, das aus dem Fluss kam“, gewidmet und erzählt von den Abenteuern des Moses. Der Journalist und Schriftsteller Wlodek Goldkorn fand bei seinem Debüt in der Kinderliteratur nach verschiedenen erfolgreichen Büchern, die sich an ein erwachsenes Publikum richteten, um seine Idee von Moses vorzuschlagen, Unterstützung in den Zeichnungen eines bekannten italienischen Illustrators. 

Übersetzung von Silvia Bozzo mit der Hilfe von Antonella Losavio,  Studentinnen der Hochschule für Dolmetscher und Übersetzer der Universität von Triest und Praktikantinnen bei der Zeitungsredaktion der Union der jüdischen Gemeinden von Italien.

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Mattir Assurim

By Alberto Cavaglion*

In my long and tortuous career as a teacher, the years that helped me grow the most were those spent at “Le Vallette” prison, where I held a class for the inmates that the professional school where I taught had introduced. Those were three years which, I believe, gave me much more than what I would and should have given. Since then, I have been following with particular sensitivity all that concerns prison life, and I get outraged whenever I hear any politician wishing for somebody to “rot in jail”. I regret not keeping my students’ essays: it was the time of the pentiti’s Act we have heard a lot about lately.
The same days where I happened to read the usual, empty arguments about the justicialist propaganda, the latest, extraordinary work by Liana Elda Funaro fell into my hands: “Confraternite e Compagnie Ebraiche nel Ghetto di Firenze” (Jewish Brotherhoods and Companies in Florence’s Ghetto), published by Angelo Pontecorboli, with introduction by Monica Miniati. Funaro’s archival research gives always surprising results and each of her works is a surprise because it broadens our research perspective. 

Translated by Silvia Bozzo and revised by Antonella Losavio, students at the Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators of Trieste University, interns at the newspaper office of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities.

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Arturo Schwarz, marchand d’art et éditeur
des œuvres de Marcel Duchamp, est mort

Par Roxana Azimi *

Pour le monde de l’art, l’Italien Arturo Schwarz était l’exégète, l’éditeur et le marchand de Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968). Autant dire un monument de l’histoire de l’art. Mais cet homme à la pensée volcanique avait autant de passions – pour la poésie, la politique et l’ésotérisme – que de casquettes – libraire, galeriste, écrivain… anarchiste. Sans oublier un goût consommé pour le débat et la contradiction. Le guérillero s’est éteint le 23 juin à Milan, à l’âge de 97 ans. “Je suis un vieux surréaliste », nous avait-il un jour confié dans un français parfait, en nous accueillant dans son antre milanais, une caverne d’Ali Baba remplie d’œuvres surréalistes, d’art primitif et de livres. Le marchand parisien Georges-Philippe Vallois n’a pas non plus oublié l’ambiance étrange et envoûtante, à la Umberto Eco qui émanait de cet appartement où s’agrégeaient les mille et une traces d’une vie picaresque.

*Cet article a été originellement publié sur Le Monde le 22 juin 2021.

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Pagine Ebraiche International Edition is published by the Union of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI). UCEI publications encourage an understanding of the Jewish world and the debate within it. The articles and opinions published by Pagine Ebraiche International Edition, unless expressly stated otherwise, cannot be interpreted as the official position of UCEI, but only as the self-expression of the people who sign them, offering their comments to UCEI publications. Readers who are interested in making their own contribution should email us at comunicazione@ucei.it
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© UCEI - All rights reserved - The articles may only be reproduced after obtaining the written permission of the editor-in-chief. Pagine Ebraiche - Reg Rome Court 199/2009 – Editor in Chief: Guido Vitale.
Special thanks to: Francesco Moises Bassano, Susanna Barki, Amanda Benjamin, Monica Bizzio, Angelica Edna Calò Livne, Eliezer Di Martino, Alain Elkann, Dori Fleekop, Daniela Fubini, Benedetta Guetta, Sarah Kaminski, Daniel Leisawitz, Annette Leckart, Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, Yaakov Mascetti, Francesca Matalon, Jonathan Misrachi, Anna Momigliano, Giovanni Montenero, Elèna Mortara, Sabina Muccigrosso, Lisa Palmieri Billig, Jazmine Pignatello, Shirley Piperno, Giandomenico Pozzi, Daniel Reichel, Colby Robbins,  Danielle Rockman, Lindsay Shedlin, Michael Sierra, Rachel Silvera, Adam Smulevich, Simone Somekh, Rossella Tercatin, Ada Treves, Lauren Waldman, Sahar Zivan.
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© UCEI - Tutti i diritti riservati - I testi possono essere riprodotti solo dopo aver ottenuto l'autorizzazione scritta della Direzione. Pagine Ebraiche International Edition - notiziario dell'ebraismo italiano - Reg. Tribunale di Roma 199/2009 - direttore responsabile: Guido Vitale.
Realizzato con il contributo di: Francesco Moises Bassano, Susanna Barki, Amanda Benjamin, Monica Bizzio, Angelica Edna Calò Livne, Alain Elkann, Dori Fleekop, Daniela Fubini, Benedetta Guetta, Sarah Kaminski, Daniel Leisawitz, Annette Leckart, Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, Yaakov Mascetti, Jonathan Misrachi, Anna Momigliano, Giovanni Montenero, Elèna Mortara, Sabina Muccigrosso, Lisa Palmieri Billig, Jazmine Pignatello, Shirley Piperno, Giandomenico Pozzi, Daniel Reichel, Colby Robbins,  Danielle Rockman, Lindsay Shedlin, Michael Sierra, Adam Smulevich, Simone Somekh, Rossella Tercatin, Ada Treves, Lauren Waldman, Sahar Zivan.