NEWS The Jewish Community of Rome Choses Its New Leaders

electionsBy Adam Smulevich

The Jewish Community of Rome, the oldest of the Diaspora, was called to elect its new board (which is made up of 27 members) on Sunday. The new board will lead the Community for the next four years.
The voters were presented with a choice among four lists: “Per Israele”, lead by outgoing counselor Ruth Dureghello; “Menorah”, lead by entrepreneur Maurizio Tagliacozzo; “Binah”, lead by public official Claudia Fellus; “Israele siamo noi”, headed by journalist Fiamma Nirenstein.
After over twenty years on the board of the Community and three terms as president the former president Riccardo Pacifici isn’t eligible for election because of the regulation which prevents people from running for more than three consecutive terms.
The results of the election will be disclosed on Monday afternoon.