MEDIA Five Internships, a Success
The smile of five students in Trieste, last week, marked the success of the new project launched by the newsroom of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities. Five are in fact the candidates for the internship organized by Pagine Ebraiche together with the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste, the biggest school for interpreters and translators existing in Italy.
The five candidates have chosen between hundreds of possibilities offered to the students of the prestigious school, and they are now getting to know the journalists they will be working with in the next months. The first meeting was organized on the opening day of the seventh edition of Redazione Aperta (Open Newsroom) – the yearly journalistic workshop held in Trieste – to give Giulia, Ilaria, Giulia, Isabella e Letizia time to understand the principles and the processes, and of course the products they will get to know better in the next months.
Pagine Ebraiche International edition will be the first and obvious home of their apprenticeship, but their knowledge of English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and of Sign language will be important in many different situations, to give the readers of Pagine Ebraiche, Italia Ebraica, DafDaf and of the many online products by this newsroom an ever growing offer of news and information from all over the world.
The first week has seen their participation in the day devoted every year to the development of DafDaf, the Jewish magazine for kids, a meeting about their competences, interests and their preferences with the coordinator of this newsletter, and a lesson by professor Laura Pelaschier on the Jewish and Triestine roots of James Joyce. And while the exam session at the SSMLIT is coming to its end the next week will bring them closer to the actual work, with the first practical assignments. Soon to be read on this newsletter.