FEATURES Angelo Donati, the Italian War-Hero Celebrated on the Nice Promenade

niceBy Pagine Ebraiche staff
It is well known that Nice is the most Italian city in France, not only because the city was Italian until 1860 and the legendary Giuseppe Garibaldi was born there, but also because Italians are currently the second largest foreign group in Nice and many more go there on vacation.
As well, the Promenade des Anglais, where the hideous terror attack was carried out on Thursday, July 14, celebrates an Italian figure: at number 43, a Memorial plaque remembers Angelo Donati (1885-1960). Donati was an Italian citizen and businessman. In 1940, before the Nazi invasion, he left Paris, where he was living, and moved to Nice, where many Jews had fled from all over Europe. Jewish himself, he worked ceaselessly to protect them, influencing and working with Italian authorities who had occupied Southern France to prevent the deportation of the Jews to the German-occupied zones.

“Angelo Donati is an example of courage, dignity and strength” said the mayor of Nice and president of the region Christian Estrosi, when the plaque was unveiled in February 2016.