NEWS Italians of Israel Elect New Board

italkimBy Pagine Ebraiche staff
The Hevrat Yehudei Italia be-Israel, the organization representing the Israeli population of Italian origin, elected a new board last week. 
The assembly of the members gathered in Jerusalem in Rehov Hillel 25, where the offices of the organization stand, as well as the Italian Synagogue and the Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art. 
The new board members (David Cassuto, Sergio Della Pergola, Viviana Di Segni, Umberto Pace, Samuele Rocca, Hillel Sermoneta, Michael Sierra) appointed Sergio Della Pergola as the new president of the Hevrah.  He is a demographer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Furthermore, Vito Anav, Ruhama Bonfil Piperno Beer and Angelo Piattelli have been elected as members of the board of arbitrators.
Among the topics discussed in the assembly were the extension work at the museum, the cultural activities, the relationships with the Italian Embassy and Consulates and with other Italian organizations in Israel, and finally support to new immigrants.