NEWS “In Paris, Italy Should Lead the Way in Affirming Israel’s Unambiguous Right to Exist in Peace and Security”

By Pagine Ebraiche staff
The president of the Union of the Italian Jewish Community (UCEI) Noemi Di Segni, sent a message to the Italian government on the eve of the Paris Conference on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
Di Segni noted that “in such a crowded contest” with over 70 delegations, the main protagonists, Israel and the Palestinians, would not be attending. “It is necessary to reflect on their absence,” she added.
“National states and international organizations will never be able to take the place of the parties to the cause in defining the path to the needed coexistence, the desired peace and the establishment of a Middle East of growth and development. However, they can carry out an inescapable task: establishing the basic principles for the parties to have a dialogue. The hope is that Italy, considering its true friendship with Israel, solidly rooted in the historic, cultural and political relationships between the countries, will express a clear position, supporting a dialogue based on the unambiguous right of Israel to exist in peace and security,” she pointed out.
UCEI President sent out the message after meeting with the Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano.