NEWS UCEI President Sends Ramadan Wishes to Italian Muslims

By Pagine Ebraiche staff

The president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities Noemi Di Segni sent her wishes to Italian Muslims for the beginning of the Ramadan.

“On the eve of the month of Ramadan, I would like to send to all people of the Muslim faith in Italy my personal wishes. These wishes come from the heart in the awareness that never before our religions have to act firmly against all forms of terror and hatred, in order to build a future space that we all share daily, testifying our efforts for the common social challenges of today and for the horizon of peace and brotherhood of tomorrow, through our shared values, each with their own unique features,” Di Segni said.

“Our hope is that in this perspective Ramadan can represent an opportunity to share powerful moments capable of having a real influence, both in private and in public. May this be a month of introspection, spirituality with qualitative and incisive relations,” she concluded.