NEWS Union of Italian Young Jews: a New Board

ugeiBy Pagine Ebraiche staff
The Unione dei Giovani Ebrei d’Italia (UGEI – Union of Italian Young Jews) has a new board and a pretty full agenda for 2018

The latest event organized by the UGEI was a conference with Vera Vigevani Jarach, one of the founders of the movement of the Mothers of Plaza De Mayo. And the board is already working on the “spring break” week end to celebrate Lag BaOmer in May.
Members of the new board are Ruben Spizzichino (Rome), Alissa Pavia (Milan), Alessandro Lovisolo (Turin), Simone Israel (Verona), Carlotta Jarach (Milan), Luca Spizzichino (Rome) and Giulio Piperno (Rome).
The board elected Carlotta Jarach as president.
Ruben Spizzichino was nominated vice-president in charge of inter-religious dialogue, Pavia is responsible for international relations and communication, Luca Spizzichino is treasurer and point person for Rome. Giulio Piperno is the liaison with smaller communities and with the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, while Lovisolo is the liaison with other youth movements and Simone Israel executive director.
The UGEI board mandate lasts one year.