NEWS Italy, Israel and the EU to Work on Establishing the Israeli National Qualifications Framework

Israeli national qualification frameworkBy Rossella Tercatin

The Italian and Israeli Ministries of Education are going to work together on the establishment of the Israeli National Qualifications Framework (NQF).

The goal is to develop a framework to classify Israeli degrees and qualifications to be equivalent to those that exist in the EU. This is being done within the context of a Twinning Project (a European Union instrument for institutional cooperation between Public Administrations of EU Member States and of beneficiary or partner countries).

“The Overall Objective is to contribute to the development of Israeli human capital by enhancing the quality of education and training, strengthening the link between education and employment by promoting equal opportunities for all individuals through lifelong learning, in order to maximize national and international transparency as well as the recognition of prior and informal learning,” reads the description of the project, which also includes the organizations Cimea and Studiare Sviluppo.

“We have two years of intense work ahead of us. It is an important and engaging challenge. I am proud of being part of it”, commented Claudia Fellus, who will coordinate the project. These comments were made during the launch event in Tel Aviv that was attended by the Undersecretary for Education Lorenzo Fioramonti, Italian ambassador Luigi Benedetti and EU ambassador Emanuele Giaufret.