NEWS The Rita Levi-Montalcini Prize Celebrates Scientific Cooperation Between Italy and Israel

premiomontalciniBy Pagine Ebraiche Staff

The project “Advanced Novel Analytical Methods for Faster Forensic and Medical Analysis”, presented by the Chemistry Department of the Università degli Studi di Milano under the supervision of professor Luigi Falciola, in cooperation with professor Ovadia Lev of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) won the third edition of the Rita Levi Montalcini Prize.

The Prize is awarded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the Conference of Italian University Rectors and the Ministry of Education in the field of scientific cooperation between Italy and Israel.

The awarding ceremony took place last week in Rome.

“Between Italy and Israel there is a special relationship to which scientific cooperation is at the core. This is a concept that I would like to highlight: the bridges that are created between societies in the field of research are the ones that last forever,” commented undersecretary for foreign affairs Manlio Di Stefano.

“I recently visited Israel after having worked there for two years as a visiting professor at the Ben Gurion University. Once again I saw first-hand the potential of their university system which is of the highest level. We have much to learn from their approach to innovation”, added Lorenzo Fioramonti deputy Minister for Education.

Attending the ceremony were the Israeli ambassador Ofer Sachs and the niece of the great scientist, Piera Levi Montalcini.