“Piazza Giudia”, the doc by Sergio Zavoli

“Piazza Giudia: la retata degli ebrei, 1943” by Sergio Zavoli, is one of the most fascinating documentaries about the dramatic day Roman Jews were rounded up by the SS in the Ghetto and deported to Auschwitz. Shot in 1963 and now in streaming on RayPlay (until October 30, with Hebrew subtitles), the film tells the story of the raid through documents and from the voice of some survivors. It is both an unforgettable immersion in a world overtaken by modern times and a way to go back, through places and testimonies, to the shocking reality of the day that changed forever the course of history for Italian Jews. The film was originally broadcasted by the public Italian state radio and television corporation RAI in the segment TV7 in 1963 to huge acclaim.
Here is the link.