Liliana Segre to Pagine Ebraiche: “Right and fascism, let’s start by removing the flame from the symbol”

“In my life I have heard of everything and more, words therefore do not strike me more than a little. To Giorgia Meloni, I say this: she could start by removing the flame from her party’s symbol”. It is the comment Senator for life and Holocaust survivor Liliana Segre entrusts to Pagine Ebraiche regarding the recent stance by the leader of Brothers of Italy on the historical responsibilities of fascism. “Let’s start from facts, not from words and hypotheses”, stresses Segre.
In a video message addressed to the foreign press, Meloni had argued, among other things, that the “Italian right handed fascism over to history for decades now, unambiguously condemning the suppression of democracy and the ignominious anti-Jewish laws, and equally unambiguous of course is our condemnation of Nazism and communism”. These words elicited many reactions. But if not accompanied by facts, Segre suggests to Pagine Ebraiche, they won’t have any real consistency.