BOOKS – Adei WIZO literary prize winners announced

“La casa sul Nilo” (“The House on the Nile”) by Denise Pardo and “Under the Jujube Tree” by Gila Almagor (Acquario publisher) are the winning works of the 24th edition of the Adei Wizo “Adelina Della Pergola” literary prize in the main and children’s sections, respectively. The awards will be presented in May at a two-day event in Turin, which will open at the Circolo dei Lettori and conclude with a meeting reserved for students at the Massimo D’Azeglio classical high school.

“The House on the Nile” (Neri Pozza) evokes the vicissitudes of a family of Sephardic Jews in Egypt, a world that has disappeared after Gamal Abdel Nasser’s worsening of anti-Jewish persecution. “Under the Jujube Tree” (Acquario) illustrates the lives of a group of young people who came to Israel from a Europe devastated by war and the Holocaust. A special prize for “learned and refined writing” went to Sarai Shavit for the novel “Letters of Love and Absence” (Neri Pozza).