
HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE – 80 years ago, 300 Jews deported from Rome

On January 4, 1944, around 300 people were deported from Regina Coeli, the prison in Rome where they had been incarcerated during World War II. “They were political prisoners and therefore considered ‘undesirable elements.’ Twelve of these individuals were Jewish,” …

Rome, out in the streets against antisemitism

Thousands of people gathered on Tuesday in Piazza del Popolo in Rome to attend a rally against antisemitism and terrorism organized by the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities and the Jewish Community of Rome. Some of the highest-ranking representatives …

Venice, a new life for the Italian Synagogue

The Italian Synagogue, built in 1575, is one of the five synagogues in the ancient Venice Ghetto. It is a symbol of the Jewish-Venetian identity, recognisable also by the five windows that recall the Great German Synagogue and by the …

Article 3, l’engagement d’intégrer

La Constitution italienne, rédigée à la suite de la dictature fasciste et de la persécution antijuive, est le fondement de la démocratie italienne. L’article 3 est sa pierre angulaire en stipulant l’égalité et le respect de la dignité de tous …

Être historien, un travail souterrain mais qui laisse une trace

Historienne de la Shoah de renommée internationale, organisatrice du projet de reconstruction des noms des juifs arrêtés en Italie par les nazi-fascistes, l’historienne Liliana Picciotto a associé son nom à celui de la Fondation CDEC de Milan pour le compte …