
FEATURES Massimo Teglio: a Geonese story

Castellitto massimo teglioBy Dan Amouyal*

Genoese Jewish history is a remarkable and unique part of Jewish history.

Genoa (or Genova, in Italian) is home to one of the oldest Italian Jewish communities. The first extent records of Genoese Jews are two letters …

FEATURES Florence, a Community of Arts and Culture

florenceBy Nebiyat Tadesse*

Aside from Florence’s well known artistic patrimony, one of the most interesting facts about this famed city is that it is home to about 950 Jews, the third largest Jewish community in Italy. The rich history of …

FEATURES Trieste, a City of Borders

triesteBy Giulia Nicolai*

Jewish history is not a mere sub-field, but an indispensible aspect of European history, and this traveling exhibition recognizes their role. From February 27th to March 29th, 2018, one hundred years after the end of the First …

Israel, un Giro muy especial

giroPagine Ebraiche staff

El maratón que se corre cada mes de marzo y que cuenta ya con una participación vastísima (también de Italia) ha consagrado la ciudad de Jerusalén como importante destino deportivo.
Sin embargo, un evento como el Giro …

FEATURES Vercelli, the Path of Freedom

gece-vercelliBy Emily O’Mahoney*

“Siamo liberi!”

Throughout history, Jews have spoken those words at various times: “We are free!” Undoubtedly, it has not been easy for the small minority, which often becomes the scapegoat for others.

The year 1848 brought a …

SPORTS Israeli Cycling Team Proves Their Strength

milano sanremoBy Adam Smulevich

The Israel Cycling Academy, the first Israeli professional cycling team to participate in a Giro d’Italia continues to amaze.

After distinguishing itself at the Tirreno – Adriatico, an elite cycle race in Italy between the Tyrrhenian and …

FEATURES Luisella Ottolenghi Mortara, an Art Historian

luisella ottolenghi mortaraBy Julie Carbonara*

Studying the past doesn’t exclude being fully involved in the present, as the life of Luisella Ottolenghi Mortara, who has died aged 87, demonstrated. An art historian who specialised in illuminated manuscripts, Ottolenghi Mortara is credited with …

MIRAMARE A Castle for Europe

0A castle for the people of Europe, a park for diversity and cultural wealth. And the dream that investments on culture will bring development and progress. The project for Miramare has been launched and it will determine the future of …